Bòrd Cearcaill Ceramic

Bòrd Cearcaill Ceramic

Is e substrate Bòrd Ciorcad Ceirmeach substrate clad copar dà-thaobhach ceramic 96% alùmanum ocsaíd, a tha air a chleachdadh sa mhòr-chuid ann an solar cumhachd modal cumhachd àrd, fo-stratan solais LED àrd-chumhachd, fo-stratan grèine photovoltaic, innealan cumhachd microwave àrd-chumhachd, aig a bheil seoltachd teirmeach àrd, strì an aghaidh bruthadh àrd, neart teothachd àrd, neart sùbailteachd.


Cuir Fios

Tuairisgeul toraidh

Mion-fhiosrachadh sgiobalta mu chearcall ceirmeachBòrd uit

Àite Tùs: Guangdong, Sìona

Ainm Brand: bòrd cuairteachaidh ceirmeag

Àireamh modail: Rigid-PCB

Stuth bunait: 96% alùmanum nitride

Tiugh copair: 1oz

Tiugh a ’bhùird: 1.0 +/- 0.1mm

Mion. Meud toll: 0.8mm

Mion. Leud loidhne: 5mil min. Beàrn loidhne: 6mil

Crìochnachadh uachdar: ENIG

Àireamh de shreathan: 2L PCB Inbhe: IPC-A-600

Giùlain teirmeach còmhdach insulation: 170W

Luachadh toraidh: Taobh a-staigh 2 uair

Seirbheis: Seirbheisean teicnigeach 24 uair a thìde Lìbhrigeadh sampall: Taobh a-staigh 10 latha

HONTEC Quick Electronics Limited (HONTEC), established in 2009, is one of leading quickturn Printed CircBòrd uit manufacturer, who specializes in high-mix, low volume and quickturn prototype PCB for high-tech industries in 28 countries. Upon efficiently quick around operation, PCB products contain 4 to 48 layers, HDI, Heavy Copper, Rigid-Flex, high frequency microwave,and Embedded Capacitance, and provides "PCB One-stop Shop" service to meet customers’ diverse demands. HONTEC is capable of producing 4,500 varieties monthly to meet 24-hour delivery for 4 layers PCB, 48-hour for 6 layers and 72-hour for 8 or more high-layer PCB at the fastest. Located in SiHui of GuangDong,HONTEC partners up with UPS, DHL and world-class forwarders to provide efficient shipping services.

Hot Tags: Bòrd Cearcaill Cearcaill, Luchd-saothrachaidh, Solaraichean, Slàn-reic, Ceannaich, Factaraidh, Sìona, Dèanta ann an Sìona, saor, lasachadh, prìs ìseal, liosta prìsean, CE, as ùire, càileachd

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Cuir Fios

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