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  • The XCKU060-2FFVA1156I field programmable gate array can achieve extremely high signal processing bandwidth in mid-range devices and next-generation transceivers. FPGA is a semiconductor device based on a configurable logic block (CLB) matrix connected through a programmable interconnect system

  • Tha an inneal 10M50DAF484C8G na aon inneal loidsig prògramaichte cosgais ìosal neo-luaineach (PLD) air a chleachdadh gus an seata as fheàrr de phàirtean siostam fhilleadh a-steach.

  • Tha XCZU47DR-2FFVE1156I Siostam Leabachaidh air Chip (SoC) na àrd-ùrlar RF atharrachail aon-chip a choinnicheas ri feumalachdan gnìomhachais an-dràsta agus san àm ri teachd. Faodaidh an t-sreath Zynq UltraScale + RFSoC taic a thoirt do gach bann tricead fo 6GHz, a’ coinneachadh ri riatanasan riatanach cleachdadh 5G an ath ghinealach. Aig an aon àm, faodaidh e cuideachd taic a thoirt do samplachadh RF dìreach airson luchd-tionndaidh 14 bit analog-gu-didseatach (ADCn) le ìre samplachaidh suas ri 5GS/S agus 14 bit tionndadh analog-gu-didseatach (DACn) le ìre samplachaidh. de 10 GS / S, agus tha leud-bann analog suas ri 6GHz aig gach fear dhiubh.

  • The 10AX115R3F40I2LG is the highest performing mid-range 20 nanometer FPGA with 96 full duplex transceivers, supporting a chip to chip data rate of 17.4Gbps. In addition, the FPGA also provides a backplane data transfer rate of up to 12.5 Gbps and up to 1.15 million equivalent logic units.

  • 5SGSMD5H3F35I3LG is a field programmable gate array (FPGA) chip belonging to the Stratix V GS series. The Stratix V GS device has a large number of variable precision DSP blocks, supporting up to 3926 18x18 or 1963 27x27 multipliers. In addition, Stratix V GS devices also offer integrated transceivers with 14.

  • Tha an t-sreath inneal 5AGXBA3D4F31C5G a ’toirt a-steach na toraidhean FPGA meadhan-raon as coileanta, a’ dol bhon chaitheamh cumhachd as ìsle airson tagraidhean 6 Gigabit gach diog (Gbps) agus 10Gbps chun leud-bann FPGA meadhan-raon as àirde de transceivers 12.5 Gbps.

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